“I am happy with everything!”
Edward Cohanim

Zodax is an industry and trend leader.
Zodax design philosophy is founded on a basic respect for nature’s ability to balance color, shape, and stimulate the senses.
Whether it be Home Fragrance, Décor, Tabletop, Textiles, or Entertaining,
each one of our items is crafted with the care, quality, and attention to detail that separates us from the competition.
What made you decide to try our services?
Edward Cohanim: We are in need of images to be retouched every few months.
What was the main factor for your decisions
when you selected us as a service provider?
Delivery time
Results based driven mentality
“Great service!”

What has been Web Future Studio’ biggest value to you?
Edward Cohanim: Great service!
How would you rate the overall quality of our services?
5 out of 5
What type of retouching is Web Future Studio doing for you?
Model Retouching
Social and advertising retouching
Portrait and Beauty retouching
Complex projects that require advanced post-production techniques

Overall, how satisfied are you with our services?
5 out of 5
Any metrics you can share regarding cost savings or other measurables?
Edward Cohanim: Not currently

How quick are our representatives getting back to you?
5 out of 5
How eager to help you are they?
5 out of 5
And how able were they to answer your questions?
5 out of 5
Overall, how satisfied were you with your Customer Service experience?
5 out of 5
How well do you feel we understand your needs?
5 out of 5
Recognized leader in the development, design and distribution of home decorative accessories.
Now, which of the following personality traits would you say best describes our company?
Customer Driven
How would you compare the quality of our services to that of our competitors?
5 out of 5
And how would you compare our prices to those of our competitors?
5 out of 5
Overall, how likely are you to recommend our services?
10 out of 10
Could you kindly tell us why chose 10?
Edward Cohanim: I am happy with everything!